Emergenza Covid-19

Covid-19 emergency

This section contains the main information and documents that illustrate the methods of returning to school in September for the 2021/2021 school year.
This space will be constantly updated.

SCHOOL YEAR 2021-2022

Information on the processing of personal data for the verification of the requirements pursuant to art. 4, paragraph 1, lett. c) n.2 of Legislative Decree n.1 of 7 January 2022- Annex "B" to note MI n.14 of 10/01/2022

Checks to be carried out in the classes in which there are two cases of positivity

To clarify what is meant by Self - surveillance, the details of the interministerial note no. 11 of 08/01/222

New ways of managing cases of positivity to Sars infection - CoV-2 in the school setting - art. 4, of the decree law 7 January 2022 n.1 - first operational indications

Tips for families: how to prepare children for safe return to school.

Update on the recommended quarantine and isolation measures in light of the circulation of the new SARS-COv-2 variants in Italy and in particular of the diffusion of the Delta variant (lineage B.1.617.2)   -
Circular dated 08/11/2021 . By the Ministry of Health

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AS 2020-2021

Circular of 6 November 2021 - by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and attached technical note

Ordinance PGR n 68 of 25 September 2020 and clarification of Ordinance PRG n 68.

Circular of 24 September n. 30847 by the Ministry of Health

Security Protocol for the containment of the spread of Covid 19. By the Ministry of Education.

Tips for families. How to prepare your children for safe return to school.

Guidelines for digital teaching . The Dad in our school will be adopted if there is a need to contain the infection, as well as if it becomes necessary to suspend again the teaching activities in presence due to the contingent epidemiological conditions.

Certificates of recovery from COVID-19 or from a disease other than COVID-19 for pupils / school staff with suspected SARS-COV-2 infection. By the Ministry of Health.