In Evidenza

The school will remain closed for summer holidays from Thursday the 4th to Friday the 19th of August, included. The reopening is expected for the 22nd of August with reduced hours (9:00..17:00) until the 31st of August.

We inform you that on 10/9/21 the Decree-Law n. 122. Pursuant to art. 1 paragraph 2 "Until 31 December 2021, [..] anyone who accesses the structures of educational institutions [..] must possess and must exhibit the green COVID-19 certification". Therefore, starting from Monday 13 September, not only the school staff but also parents, suppliers, maintenance workers, educators, experts, etc. they can enter ONLY if in possession of a valid Green Pass in paper or digital format.

The ONLINE plenary meeting on the Zoom platform is open to all parents of the pupils of our school for Tuesday 15 September 2020 at 19:00.

I am to tell you with great emotion and sadness, but also with a great sense of responsibility, that the School will close its premises tomorrow THURSDAY 12 MARCH from 11.00 until 3 April, unless otherwise indicated.
The online lessons will continue always and only in the morning, according to the schedules that we will send with an increasing advance.
The technical assistance, the secretariat and the management will continue to operate in smart working mode.

However, we invite those who have not yet collected the books to do so by tomorrow morning.

In the coming week, the online sessions may be longer and / or more numerous. It is not easy to equip yourself for a coherent and uniform distance training as we are trying to propose it at the “Misasi”. None of us were prepared but every resource of the School has shown to be available and as far as possible to "be present" and next to its little students until the emergency disappears.

Thanks for the collaboration
Stefania Barrese

With note prot. n. 99999 of 19 March 2018the Department of Health Protection and Health Policies of the Calabria Region has provided indications in relation to the requirements of thecircular of the Ministry of Health n. 2166 of 02/27/2018.

In referring parents to reading the attached notes,  it should be noted  that:

1)  for pupils enrolled for the academic year 2018/2019  parents \ guardians \ foster carers of minors are required, upon completion of enrollment and in any case no later than  10 July 2018,  to submit  suitable documentation  issued by the competent ASP orself-certificationproving the regular carrying out of compulsory vaccinations, or, the omission \ the exemption \ the postponement of the same or, again, the formal request for vaccination to the ASP ;

2)  failure to regularize the obligation referred to in point 1 above . must be reported by the school director and by the ASP managers who, if the same or other local health company has not already activated in relation to the violation of the same vaccination obligation, will fulfill the obligations of its competence pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 4, of the law decree n. 73/2017 (imposition of the administrative sanction according to the provisions contained in Chapter I, Sections I and II, of Law no.689 of 24 November 1981);

-note prot. n. 99999 of 19 March 2018

circular of the Ministry of Health n. 2166 of 02/27/2018

-self-certification template

Messrs. parents that the documentation proving the compulsory vaccinations will be acquired through a direct relationship between the Schools and the AA, SS.PP. (memorandum of understanding signed on 1 September 2017 between the Calabria Region and the Regional School Office inattached). Each ASP will check the vaccination situation of each member and will contact the families of those who are not in compliance, in order to regulate them pursuant to circular n.25233 of 16 August 2017 issued by the Ministry of Health.

The "Riccardo Misasi" in order to facilitate the attendance of school pupils residing in the Municipality of Cosenza, in decentralized areas with respect to the school, or in one of the neighboring municipalities, guarantees school transport on its own or with external custody. The school, on the basis of the requests submitted by the families of the members and compatibly with school schedules, annually prepares the route of the school buses, the collection points and the stops on the basis of the service manager's indication.

The authorization to transfer a pupil from one school to another must be issued, even if requested during the school year.It is not a measure that the school authority (the head teacher) can refuse, nor an act that must be subject to a prior, discretionary evaluation of opportunity. If the exercisers of parental authority request it, the transfer must be authorized.

And that the requested institution belongs to the same territorial basin as the school of origin is completely irrelevant, since the only ones able to appreciate the possibility of easily reaching the school are the parents and not the headmaster.

While it is up to the headmaster of the new school to decide whether to accept enrollment in relation to the limits, and only to them, deriving from the objective capacity of the school.

We receive from the Ministry of Education, University and Research - Regional School Office for Calabria - General Management
and we publish:

DDG prot. 13320 of 28/06/2011