1.1. The school and the territory: SOCIAL, CULTURAL, ECONOMIC CONTEXT.
The Institute is located in the southern area of ​​Cosenza, between the suggestive pedestrian area of ​​Corso Mazzini, on the edge of the central Piazza 11 Settembre, and Viale Parco, a strategic link between the commercial center of the city and its natural expansion to the north, towards areas more residential and peripheral, then towards neighboring municipalities (Rende, Montalto…).
The Institute, despite being in a limited traffic area, is very well connected with the rest of the city, through multiple forms of mobility (public transport, municipal shuttles, school buses).
From the school you can easily walk both the city center and the avenue behind it.
The students who attend the Institute do not come only from the surrounding neighborhoods, but also from peripheral areas and albeit to a lesser extent for the Middle School, from the municipalities located near the provincial capital, also due to the commuting of their parents, especially busy in the tertiary sector, who work in the center, an area with a high density of activities and offices (banks, administration structures, commercial activities, hospitals, courts…).
The users of the school are of medium-high extraction (the majority of the pupils' parents have a degree), oriented towards high school courses first, then university courses later.
Children of freelancers, young managers, doctors, entrepreneurs, for whom the security of an extended period would primarily respond to obvious reasons of convenience. But not only.

In recent years, our school has embarked on a path of continuous change and improvement developed on several levels and always tending to raise the quality standards of the training offer designed and delivered which have led it to overcome the transmission model to adopt models open to active and innovative teaching so that all students could be guaranteed the right to study no longer intended as a simple school attendance but as a real possibility of being able to be an active subject of a path aimed at guaranteeing equal educational and training opportunities to all in terms of of academic success.
The school has therefore opted for a   didactic action able to put the student in continuous learning situations, making him aware that a school open to the evolution of knowledge and methods is able to grasp and welcome change, allowing its community to modernize the school service in synergy with requests of the territory.
The idea was to create an avant-garde school capable of identifying - in the territory, in associations, in businesses and in informal places - the opportunities to question oneself with a view to continuous improvement, to enrich one's service. through constant innovation capable of guaranteeing the highest quality of the education system.
The real enhancement of the different learning styles of our students  has allowed the "R. Misasi" institute  to transform the fluidity of our current society into a resource   through the reasoned use of human and professional resources and  digital tools that have enhanced, enriched and integrated didactic activity, motivated and involved students, stimulated participation and active learning, contributing to the development of transversal as well as civic and social skills. An open school, therefore, ready to be evaluated to improve, which has seized the opportunities offered by projects and initiatives promoted by various parties to develop change and aim for the internationalization of the school.
The involvement and effective collaboration of the human resources available to the institute, identification and attachment to the institution, motivation, relational climate and organizational well-being, awareness of the choices made and the underlying motivations, active and constant participation, transparency, the adoption of an operating model aimed at continuous improvement of all the processes that make up the school's activities, they call into question each and every one, as an expression of the true professionalism that goes beyond the execution of ordinary tasks, even if fundamental, and knows how to make a difference; they are indispensable elements for the implementation of a Plan that goes beyond the dimension of mere bureaucratic fulfillment and makes it a real working tool, able to channel the use and enhancement of human and structural resources, to give a clear sense and direction to the activity of individuals and of the institution as a whole.
The definition of a coherent framework of rules that invites students to respect others, legality and the environment, is aimed at transmitting to young people the awareness that there is no exercise of democracy where there is no fair and rigorous system of rules. In serene sharing with users, the school therefore intends to apply the authentic sense of co-responsibility between school and family, implying in its educational action respect for the discipline and essential values ​​of the society in which we live.

The Riccardo Misasi school is based in COSENZA in Via Galliano 4, in the heart of the city.

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Misasi is 17 years old and has just taken the classical high school diploma at "Bernardino Telesio". With a year in advance and a full report of 9 and 10. As soon as he graduated in law from the Catholic University of Milan with the highest marks, he returned to Cosenza until De Mita took him out of his father's lawyer office. And Misasi, once again, will forge ahead.
Several times minister, he has linked his name to the reforms of public education. He led public education.
It contributes to the birth of the University of Calabria in Arcavata di Rende (CS) on the basis of a modern model. The statute, the articles of association of the university and the parliamentary acts testify and remember his action. For six years he is the most powerful man in Italy. But he is not only a man of power. Passionate about painting, a religious man, he does not like shop windows. He prefers the back roads to the "walk to the course with family". At home he has always imposed this style. Married, Riccardo Misasi has 4 children whom he adores. Maurizio, the second son, gives us a punctual sweet and intimate profile. There are many reasons that bind us to the memory and teaching of Riccardo Misasi, not least the inspiration of our project as well as of his political commitment to a democratic Catholicism, even in the

A school named after Riccardo Misasi in his Cosenza, is a due recognition, perhaps even belated, to the politician and government man who, like few others, represented Calabria at the highest levels and was not always rewarded by the gratitude due, above all for the continuous commitment and passion with which for many years he has covered important roles in national politics.

The end of his political career, however, is bitter. He gets involved in an investigation. The judges acquitted him "of all wrongdoing". But he prefers to remain in the shadows. Forever.

A courageous choice, therefore, ours, but motivated by the memory and regret of an acute intelligence, which represented the interests of our Region in Parliament and in the Government. Of a refined strategist in Rome, of a generous dispenser of hope in Cosenza.

Of a "common excellence" from Cosenza.

And the choice of those who enroll their children in this school, in its first year of existence, will undoubtedly be courageous.

To those who believe in us, with courage and with the desire for a bold return to a school of other times, which does not disdain novelty and innovation,
happy new year. Good attendance at Riccardo Misasi.

Stefania Barrese, Director of the SOLUTIO group and creator of the "Riccardo Misasi" Middle School

Riccardo Misasi (Cosenza, 14 July 1932 - Rome, 21 September 2000) by Maurizio Misasi

Naming a school is always a choice that characterizes and establishes the orientation of a path. Heading it to Riccardo Misasi means setting yourself the goal of conquering new spaces of freedom through culture.

That of Misasi, in fact, is an experience, lived in the wake of attention to the study and intelligence of human phenomena. Misasi has always had faith in culture as an instrument of comparison and growth of the individual, of society and of the state. His own brilliant experience as a student is inscribed in the noble tradition of the city of Cosenza, not surprisingly once called the Athens of Calabria, in a climate still rich in intellectual ferments, cultural exchanges and confrontation between the city and the world.

Even more, his family formation took place in a climate permeated by cohesion, by the encounter and comparison between generations, as well as by the habit and pleasure of reasoning: almost a new peripatetic school understood in the sense of proceeding together by reasoning about life. and the experience of man.

Excellent student of the Telesio Liceo in Cosenza, he distinguished himself for skills and merit at the Catholic University of Milan. Here was born the partnership with Ciriaco De Mita who, in that real laboratory of ideas and political thought that was the Basic Left, characterized an important part of his commitment and of Italian political history. Several times Minister of Education, in safeguarding the best Italian school and training tradition, he has fought for the renewal of the school. The leitmotif of his reform action was the promotion of policies that effectively guaranteed equality in the opportunity of access to education, as well as in the increased possibility of rewarding merit. I am witness, among other things,

His thinking in the light of Christian inspiration and tradition, nourished at the source of classical culture, saw in politics an instrument of mediation between divergent interests, for the realization of a freer and more open society. His capacity for synthesis saw him as the protagonist of dialogue between the Christian Democrats and the other parliamentary forces of the First Republic, in the wake of that cohesive and creative confrontation that led to the birth of our Constitutional Charter and of the Republic. Able to glimpse and identify the lines of economic development of the country, he gave voice to the needs and requirements of the South, promoting and implementing policies that could emancipate it from its history of backwardness, exploitation and marginalization.

Misasi combined his faith in a transcendent God with trust in man's intelligence, understood not so much, or not only, as a capacity for abstract reasoning but, above all, as a capacity for experience of reality and constant research. Vico's "Verum ipsum factum" translates this vision also on what teaching and didactic activity can and perhaps should be, thus not limiting itself to a mere transmission of theoretical contents and values ​​but rather by helping students to experience it.

His open-mindedness, profound humanity and his Christian trust in man can be summed up in a sentence from Spinoza's Ethics that he always loved to quote: humanas actiones, do not laugh, non lugère neque detestari, sed intelligere.

A Riccardo Misasi school must then instill love for study and research seen as suitable and always perfectible tools for the possibility of "understanding" the phenomena of nature and the complexity of man.

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Administration and Regency

The "Riccardo Misasi" Middle School, CM CS1MUP500H, located in Cosenza, in via Galliano, 4 / d (cross p.zza 11 September - via 24 May), also operating soon with the Liceo Scientifico, Liceo Classico and the Liceo Linguistico, founded in 2011, has distinguished itself since the beginning of its activity as a prestigious school among the lower secondary schools in the province of Cosenza. It has secular private management. It has always been managed by the National Institute of Culture and Solidarity (INACUS) which administers the non-profit school. The Regent of MS "Riccardo Misasi", as well as President of INACUS, is Dr. Eng. Claudio Mazziotti (enrolled in the register at number 2653).

The manager

The Management has scientific-cultural skills;
Methodological-didactic skills;
Communicative-relational skills;
Organizational-managerial skills;
Motivational skills.

The Management does not take care of the teaching directly, but constitutes a point of reference for the entire teaching staff which together with the Regent scrupulously selects; evaluates the results of their work with full knowledge of the facts, intervening on the effectiveness of teaching; correcting wrong didactics and organizing the work of teachers for better results. It promotes professional self-reflection in teachers through training and self-training initiatives.
The Management is at the center of a network of relationships (parents, pupils, teachers, Regent, territory). Communicate with everyone and keep everyone's needs in mind.
His job consists in making others work, favoring in them the expression of their maximum abilities (like the teacher with the pupils).
He then checks the entire school organization to assess the effect that each individual actor has on the school as a whole.
The Management represents the school institution together with the Regent and therefore embodies its educational project and brings every didactic activity back to its educational purpose.
The Manager is the guarantor of the functioning of the system (and is responsible above all to the Regent).

The management of "Riccardo Misasi" is entrusted to the creator and co-founder of the same school, Dr. Stefania Barrese.

The Director of General and Administrative Services

He supervises the administrative-accounting services and takes care of their organization. It has operational autonomy and direct responsibility in the definition and execution of administrative-accounting, accounting and bursar deeds, even with external relevance.

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The "R. Misasi ”- maintaining the entire didactic project envisaged by the Italian culture school - proposes an important enhancement of English and an international vocation.
English to the “R. Misasi ”is assumed not as - or at least not only as - a scholastic discipline as an end in itself, but as an activity transversal to everything.
Unlike traditional bilingual methodologies, however, the “R. Misasi ”protects and safeguards the teaching of a solid foundation of Italian and mathematics. No hour sacrificed for English.
In the three years of attendance, the School completes and certifies the Second Level (A2 of the CEFR). Pupils possess at least two thousand words of the language and are ready to face the ESOL certification ofCAMBRIDGE: KET and PET (of which “R. Misasi” is Preparation Center).

It contributes to the bilingualism project, the STUDY TRIP IN ENGLAND which involves every year the pupils of the second classes of the “R. Misasi ".
The Study Trip, which lasts two weeks (the travel period includes Easter week and another week before or after the Holy Week), aims to offer students the opportunity to experiment and use the English language. in a real communicative context, to know directly the country whose language they study and to relate to peers of different nationalities and cultures.
Travel is not compulsory.

Certified IT

Today, the use of information technology in schools must be a decisive element at the time of enrollment: a school that does not teach to use computers is a school that lacks training.

To the “R. Misasi ”each student will target the ECDL (European Computer Driving License) in the three years of attendance, and, optionally, in the last year the ECDL WEB or the ECDL IT Security or the ECDL CAD. During 1 of the 2 hours of technology curricula, Solutio engineers will teach students the professional use of computers. And they will do so with the best hardware resources available.

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Itinerant classes

Movement of pupils in the learning spaces functional to the different disciplines. Pupils become nomads but also more attentive, more predisposed to listen to teachers.

The idea of ​​itinerant classes, taken into consideration by many schools also in Europe, has the intuition of capturing the need of children to get moving, not to be tied to a desk, to a space. In this way, moreover, each teacher has a dedicated place where she can adapt the classroom according to her didactic needs.


The laboratory experience is no longer an exception within a purely theoretical path, but becomes the fulcrum and objective of the path itself. The school, equipped with innovative laboratories, offers various activities in the scientific field to “learn by observing” and in the linguistic field to strengthen and consolidate the four basic skills with IT support in a harmonious, modern and balanced way.

Support, Empowerment and Recovery Activities


The transition from primary to lower secondary school marks a very important moment: a new way of approaching the various disciplines is required and, gradually, a more efficient organization and planning of one's work.

In a suitable and supervised environment, with specialized tutors for each subject area, students will have the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge and / or ask for clarification.

The "Assisted Study" activity will take place from October to May, from Monday   to Friday, from 15:00 to 17:30, with the possibility of using the school canteen.

RECOVERY COURSES : ONLY upon recommendation of the respective class councils. Frequency Saturday morning. Service offered exclusively to students of the "Riccardo Misasi" Schools. FREE.

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